LMAO because he slapped the bejesus out of dude. Serves him right! I hate it when people feel the need to harass artist just for the hell of it. I bet ol' boy will think twice about pulling that mess again. Every time he hears the world "hater" his face will jump.
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7 Responses to Maino Chin Checks A Hater
ROFLMAO! Dude got his clock cleant! I support hands on solutions. Go Maino! I think "talking it out" takes to much time and energy. One swift punch will do about 10 minutes of talking.
lmao, he prob fucked his money up tho but still, lmao
^5 at Jay. The hands on solution was definitely the right one in the case. He was tryna play that man in front of a large crowd. He couldn't let him slide. Maino a good one because I would have kicked him in his chin.
man, that was funny. But Maino has a successful single, he's needs to be smarter. Let your security handle that chump. Audience dude was looking for attention and he gave it to him. Dude can sue, because Maino initiated contact.
Maino is the truth.
lol @ slappin one, and getting two for the effort! Now that's what I call efficient.
I might be out here on my own with this, but I thought the last min. slap was a little bitch-made, albeit funny...the timing doesn't sit right with me. Dude was yappin for a min.-- I'm just sayin, slap the shit outta him from jump! Let's get the fight crackin...no one really came to the club to have fun. (*shrugs*) lol
^ You a mess! LMAO Like I said previously, soon as he started heckling I would have politely check his chin with my stiletto, without missing a beat in my performance.
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