I showed you this picture for a reason. Partake:

Are you serious? Lil Fizz? Hard? Hanging with Bloods and Crips? (*rolls out my 40ft x 80ft banner with the caption "YOU NEED MORE PEOPLE"*) The last "blood" he saw was from Chris Stokes' condom. (yeah, I took it there...eff being nice). Get this little nicca outta here. F*ck Raz B? *nigga please face* He forgot to add 'I' at the beginning of the sentence. Dude's a joke. His career was what his name is...a lil fizz...in the beverage of hiphop. Take your storebrand 'yes' man, and your Goodwill (un)Popular hoodie and SAT.DOWN. Go massage Chris's feet, pronto. Sweet nicca.