Nicca this ish right here....nicca this ish right here... I hope that they just stopped on the way to the...ok...wait, that don't make no damn sense. Why would you stop on your way to the reception? Ok...if you couldn't tell, this baffoonerous event is a reception. Yeah...a wedding reception. I don't care what you's a reception. What in the McHell is this? Are you serious? Bish please. Where's the honeymoon gonna be at? Walmart? SMDH. I guess all you need is love (and a monoply piece). I know it's a recession, but damn. Atleast go to Golden Corral. I would give shoutouts to Bossip, but they snatched this from our homies YouKnowYouDeadAzzWrong.
3 Responses to Are You McSerious?
"Where's the honeymoon gonna be at? Walmart? SMDH. I guess all you need is love (and a monoply piece"
Better than nothing, I guess. At least they liked the food and no one had a pimp coat on.
All these blogs are always stealing from You Know You Dead Azz wrong and not siting her. Don't make no damn sense....
Now back to this shit. I raise 2 chicken nuggets and a small fry their reception will be at Great America. People were killing me talking bout it's black love etc. Fuck that. It's GHETTO, BROKE love. You don't turn a cheap date into a cheap life. If you can't afford a reception don't have one. I doubt they just stopped by...that's what the drive thru is for.
^ i've been to Great America! lol i was 9 and all i remember is looney toon land or something like that!
I'm mad that they look "nice" but at a damn Mickey D'! that's how they saved for them outfits...why was this ok? when we got married we AT LEAST when to the cheesecake was only 4 of us but still! SMFH!
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