I wonder if this video will come under scrutiny the same way Ludacris has. It's offensive when "we" do it but it's humorous when done by "the others." SMH Let's see if Faux news and the rest of the bandwagon jumpers act a fool over this.
Thanks Raider-Wifee
1 Response to Obama Baby
August 4, 2008 at 4:03 PM
lol...aww man, this made my day. It was soo cute and funny. The difference btwn this and the Luda vid was: a)Luda's was rap-we all know they hate that and b)the lyrics were ignant as all hell, esp. regarding Hill C and McCain. It's all good that we have the right to free speech, but we gotta be wise about what we say b/c ultimately that song hurt Obama more than it helped him.
1 Response to Obama Baby
lol...aww man, this made my day. It was soo cute and funny. The difference btwn this and the Luda vid was: a)Luda's was rap-we all know they hate that and b)the lyrics were ignant as all hell, esp. regarding Hill C and McCain. It's all good that we have the right to free speech, but we gotta be wise about what we say b/c ultimately that song hurt Obama more than it helped him.
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