I'm truly at a lost for words. What in the Fergalicious, Boom Boom Kat Laurie Ann Gibso, nonsense is this?! Angela NO! JUST NO! I really like her but this is not a good look. Stick to writing for the magazine honey. I can't believe they gave her a video for this wackness. Screw this, I want to be Rev. Run's next adopted daughter.
They need to cut and chop this video to make it into a commercial. Please don't make us endure a whole 3:12 of this. But I will watch it for a couple pair of Pastry kicks...I like em'.

6 Responses to New Video: Angela Simmons-Center Of Attention
How cliché the whole nerd transforming into a "cool" person. SMH. I bet it is nerds who run her Pastry crap AND her family's businesses.
Oh my sweet danish pastry spearmint adolescent Jesus. Normally I try to endure the videos posted on this site, but a minute into this one...I VOTED NO. She had that Megan Good bad acting swag on this one. The verses were trash and...(*ran out of words to type*).
I have to say this why I like LL's kids, and kids like Denzel's oldest son along with Debbie Allen & Norm Nixon's kids. It urks the hell outta me when children of celebs have to try to show that they're musically inclined just like their parents. The problem with this is that Russell "burn victom" Simmons is her uncle and her father still has influence in the music business. Her and her wack brother need to hang it up and find somethin' else to do. She needs to stick with the shoe line and the mag like you said.
Tryin' to wear too many hats always ends in a devastating outcome.
Aim....Shoot.....And Fire is what I felt like doing to myself for evening attempting to watch the video. To me the theme of the video doesnt go with the song and its corny as hell! I want that minute and 34 seconds of my life back, I couldnt even finish that bull!
Since when did videos go with shoe sales?? I'm missing something here ya'll.. haven't those shoes been out for over a year now.. and NOW you want to put out a whack video... FOR WHAT?? WHY??
Cannon bbbaaaaalllllllll. And furthermore, I think it's pretty disrespectful that they taunt us with this bull shit, when they could've given warning on Run's house that some doodoo was about to run rampid. I would've accepted this garbosity a little more if we were all informed. This suprise ish, is not the best way to go. And Jo Jo, OMG. Man Down
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