I just got wind "Official Flop Girl" will be the first single off Cassie's album. I can agree with her on one thing, "I AM TIRED, TIRED" of having to listen to her tepid attempts of singing. And putting Weezy on the track will not guarantee it being a hit.
Her cover is hot to death though! Why won't she just model and leave the singing career to the Jazmine Sullivan's off the world? Between this and Angela's song below, I'm bout ready to throw my towel in on music. SMH

3 Responses to Music: Cassie- Official Girl
Holla at Ashanti, Cassandra Ventura. She will tell you how she got the sales in 2002 without any talent.
I refuse to click on the link. Cassie's Official "Diddy's" Girl will go triple plywood. (*gives in a clicks on link*) WHA? She opened her legs to Diddy for this? (*blocks zshare*) The beat was tight tho.
i'm tired of her. I need somebody new that cant sing.
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