I can't believe an entire year have flown by! Even after 1,267 post in, I still feel like I just started spreading my opinions all across the e-streets. *tears* The transition from The Red Report to Watch Your Setup has been a fun one. I've learned a lot and really enjoyed what I do. I met a lot of cool people along the way and dropped a lot of spineless snakes. You live and you learn folks. Trust I watch my setup! LOL
Special thanks to my "twin" with the thousand names
JT, Justin Time, The One (hell just call him Sybil) for all his help. This place was going through a html recession before he offered his services. He moved me from my section 8 housing to something a lot more presentable. And as always he has more in store! I appreciate all you do JT and it wouldn't have been as fun without you. We've been the Bonnie and Clyde of the blogging world and it's time to take it to another level.
I big thank you to my oldest blogging pals
Sane and
Free2Bee. Talk about "the last man standing." LMAO You already know what it is! Real recognize real and you've held us down.
To all my readers and lurkers, Y'ALL ARE THE BEST! You've made WYSU what it is and I hope we've held up our end of the bargain and kept you entertained. Please drop us a comment and let us know what you love about us, what we need to change, or just let us know you're out there. To all my regular commenters, thanks for the feedback and keep it coming!

Now grab some cake! The first slices go out to
Ms. Niqua,
A. Smith,
Fashionably Late, and
Lane for being here the longest and holding us down. If I forgot about you...my bad.