Your girl Beyonce was spotted at 2008 World Music Awards channeling Swamp Thing and Johnny Depp from Pirates Of The Caribbean. Talk about giving your all in your performances. You know the deal....CAPTION THIS!
If that is one of the "over $1,000" wigs I want to see a receipt for it right naw! And bring my powder along so I can slap the friviously stupid buyer.
3 Responses to Caption This
OMG, seriously, how much does that weigh.
She's got too much goin' on.
LOL! @ Johnny Depp and Swamp Thing combo.
Looks like she's been in Tina Turner's closet. I'ma need Beyonce to go away for a little while 'cause her shit has BEEN on overkill status for a minute now.
I can see in her eyes that she thinks the hair is on point.
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