Now this is HOOD BOOTY foolishness at it's finest!! You can't take people NO WHERE! Here she is completing a degree in higher education and she still dumb as hell. Why would you raid the fabric department of Wal-Mart to get some paint to put on your graduation cap like that mug didn't cost damn near $40? She obviously don't have money like that...hence her kitchen looking like Grape-Nuts cereal.
I need her founding members of AKA to rise out the grave and beat her upside her had with a paddle for disrespecting their legacy. Not just for putting it on the cap like that, but for putting in UNDER HOUSE ARREST 2. *FAINTS*
For all of you not from the Chi...this is House Arrest 2.
5 Responses to This Is What I Have To Deal With Part 7
uuuuhhhhhhhh...okay about this that a dance group or ????
Help me out here please!!!
Girl yes it is a dance group. LOL It started out when I was in HIGH SCHOOL...and for some odd reason some of these folks decided to start chapters up in college. I can't and I WON'T deal with that.
Okay..I will make no further comment on that.
What I need is us to deal with ol' dude who's hair is "flyer than the rest of 'em..."
(sigh) we will chapterize anythang, huh? Er'body wanna be in an educated gang.
Damn shame this need to have 30 niggas behind you at anytime in gang formation permeates even the most educated of campuses. FOR SHAME, black people, FOR SHAME!
you cause my sudden death at "Kitchen looking like Grape-nut cereal"
But atleast they can dance though and didnt try to pull off some Cassie/Whitney2-step ish.
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