This is NEVER Okay...(Geigh Alert Video Inside)
Posted In:
Boy Stop
I can't
I'm pressin' charges
Nigga Please
Oh hell naw
Please Stop
pretty ricky
By A. Red
This is the reason my hate for Pretty Ricky stems so deep...especially Spectacular camera whoring arse. I don't EVER wanna see a man grinding in some red PANTIES! Nope, there is nothing sexy about his ostrich looking self wiping himself down Lil Boosie style. I know one thing, he needs to hit up his sock drawer before pulling a stunt like this again. I'm just saying...
And since when have Bow Wow, Day 26, or Trey Songz EVER did a pointless grind session the way those fools do them? Pretty Ricky is the reason these young boys think being borderline queer as hell is cool.

^See what I'm saying?! Did anybody else feel as uncomfortable as I did? All this to sale a record that won't go sugarcane.
Blame my girl Fashionably Late via watching and consequently passing out while on
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