There Goes The Neighborhood
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My rant
Watch your setup
By A. Red
I had a longggggggggggg day on Thursday. I was in dire need of a drinky drank so I left my crib to go get a bottle of wine. I just wanted to relax and chill. However, the cards weren't in my favor. I pulled into the parking lot, cut the wheel hard to the right because I needed to reverse into my parking space, and hard a loud CRACK!

Oh I was ready to LOSE IT! I started making up curse words I was so pissed. But when I looked and saw my bottle of wine I calmed down. After gathering my things I felt a lot better. So much better, I forgot I had just rolled over some bs. I locked my doors and started walking toward my house until my feet connected with the item I ran over.
It wasn't a bottle, or a was a GUN!!!

I was beyond through. I stood there for a minute and contemplated what to do. I WAS NOT on getting involved in some mess, but when I saw the kids riding their bikes around my building I knew I had to do the right thing. I watch CSI so I knew what NOT to do.

I took my wine out of the bag and kicked the gun, then bullets into it. You weren't about to frame me! Consequently I went upstairs and called the police. I neglected to tell you a live in a really nice neighborhood in Illinois, right outside of Chicago. Before I could click "end" call on my phone the police had my building SURROUNDED. I was too done.
I'm not trying to be known as the neighborhood snitch! We all know snitches get stitches. But I figured the police would have a little tact....NEGATIVE.
My doorbell rang so I went to the intercome.
Me: "Who is it?

Did this fool just put me on blast for my entire building to know?! I caught an INSTANT attitude. They came upstairs asked a few questions and then left. I told them I didn't want my names used but he told me he still needed it. SEOD. Anyway, they finally left and I exhaled in relief and went to get me a glass of wine. Before I could sit my wine class on my cocktail table I heard, then saw 4 more cars pull up. Three of those cars had police dogs. I had made my block HOT!
They were stopping all the young boys questioning them. My first thought was please don't randomly start bothering guys because they're young and black.

But then I was like that's THEIR issue. I closed my blinds, cut the television up loud, and proceeded to try and get my relaxation on. HELL I DESERVED IT. But noooooooooooo!
My phone rang....
Me: "Hello?"
Officer Evans: "This is Officer Evans. May I speak with A. Red?"
Me: (sighs) Yeah...
Officer Evans: "What time did you say you found the gun?"
Me: I don't recall. Can't you get the time from when I called in? I called as soon as I found it.
Officer Evans: I need you to recall for me.
Me: Well according to MY CALL LOG I called you all at 9:26 so I had to find it at about 9:20.
(Damn that, I watch my setup)
Officer Evans: M'am, do you know of any drug activity in the area?
Me: "I don't know why I would. I'm never here. I work all day and I'm never around here."
Officer Evans: "So you never see anything strange?"
Me: Like I said, I'm never around. This is the first time I've seen some "strange" and I called you all."
The pointless conversation continued for a minute and then he hung up. Nonetheless, I've been getting that SAME CALL everyday since Thursday. I'm wondering if they're trying to solve the case and break me because they think I had something to do with it. See what happens when you do the right thing?! Complete bs. This kinda stuff only happens to me....SMH
1 Response to There Goes The Neighborhood
And you still lived to write about it. That's a nice little adventure for the day lol
If that happens to me, remind me to take that mess down to the station and pray I don't get arrested on the spot. At least I'll get jailed in private.
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