I'm a little disappointed in Taraji for this photo in Instyle Magazine. This almost nekkid picture is sooooooo unnecessary. And to top it off, it's rather unflattering. I guess she's really trying to get that Oscar. Since her acting didn't snag it she believes her snatch will. I vote no. Why must people always revert to sex to sale themselves? I'm over it.
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2 Responses to Hell Nawl Files: Taraji Edition
It's not really done with the intent to peddle ass, but close. It's not really that artistic (yes, contrary to popular belief, taking a picture in B&W and developing it at Wal Mart does not a masterpiece make.) But I guess its supposed to be empowering and ish.
"It's not really that artistic (yes, contrary to popular belief, taking a picture in B&W and developing it at Wal Mart does not a masterpiece make.)"
Bwahahahahahaha. Not today Ms. Niqua. I can't...*dies*
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