Drake is unsigned and causing more hype then all of the signed artist. I'm not mad. Everybody is jumping on HIS MIXTAPES SINGLES and freestyling. He's gotta be feeling real good right now.
Um...I can pretty much do without the over-sexed kitten in the first joint. Her freestyle was aight. I've never heard of this chick, but her name is Kanary Diamonds and she hails from Cali. I'm not sure if the purpose was to show her rap skills or how sexy she's trying her damnest to be. Dead @ the throwback Trina "Nann Nigga" bra. I vote NO.
The second chick was cool and very talented. And what do you know...she kept her clothes ON and actually used talent instead of looks. Drake himself co-signed this performance.
Moving on, leave it to Chicago people to act A FOOL at the Drake concert this weekend. It didn't help he didn't take the stage until 3 a.m., even though the concert was supposed to start at 12. By the time the crowd was anxious, irritated, and drunk. A recipe for disaster. Word has it a huge fight broke out, lasting close to 5 minutes. Seeing that is was over 1000 people in attendance I know it got chaotic. Consequently, shots were fired and a young man ended up shot in the butt. Truly unfortunate....do better Chi-town damn!
Anyway, check him out doing his thang before the foolishness popped off.
Look at Lupe Fiasco showing luv!

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