I don't think there is anything New York can do to look presentable, let alone cute. She is outside in a slip, or a piece of lingerie. She is sadly mistaken if she assumed that was a dress.
Foxy Brown got me scratching my head. I'm a big fan of 80's gear. You will find me in a lot of 80's pieces, but this outfit is a no go. The jewelry would be okay if it was worn with something else, minus about 5 if the bracelets. Howver, the dress looks like a rain coat, and shouldn't be worn with anything. With that being said, she needs to come out of the WWF wrestling belt. I am happy she changed her hair.....
So much for the little black dress. CoCo Channel is turning over in her grave rotisseries style at this blatant disrespect.

3 Responses to Hot Messes
Girl...New York is a lost cause...the sad part is when she was first introduced on the first Flavor of Love...she actually looked as if she had the potential to be cute if she tried...BUT...as things progressed she just got more effed up!!! she looks like an overly made up Muffet Baby...
and Fox Boogie Brown will NEVER be cute..1st of all she doesn't know how to let that ugly jet black weave go...i swear she's had the exact same weave since she first came out...just because you wash it & throw some curls in it does NOT make it look brand new...
and the funny thing is if somebody told either of these ladies that they weren't cute...they'd be the first one's tryna stab somebody...hhahhaa the truth hurts
Foxy and her wet n' nappy weaves blow me! At least she switched it up some.
And NY was halfway decent, but she let this little fame go to her head and now she think she's the new black Pam Anderson. She's the epitome of tacky.
I love me some Fox Boogie but she is losing me FAST! lol
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