I'm all for having a fairytale wedding but this mess went too far! First and foremost, you WILL NOT have a chin piercing on your wedding. WTF! The crowns look like they came from Party City. Was this a wedding or a themed birthday party?I would be a little more lenient if the wedding was held at a castle, but this Medieval Mess was held at a local Forest Preserve! LMAO! How can you give your nuptials with deers and skunks infiltrating the audience? It would have been thoughtful if the party gifts were cans of bug spray. And I know the bridesmaids were sweating bullets in those Cinderella Halloween costume dresses. The head piece alone looked like Jewish Challah bread and had to weigh a ton. That's why they look like walking bobbleheads.
Big ups to the groomsmen for being true friends. Only real friends will make fools out of themselves to please one of the homies. SMH Do you see the boots and hats? They look like they just stepped off the pages of Humpty Dumpty.
But these last two pictures are what killed me!Y'all don't see the $5 plastic balcony chairs and the pimped out Kingsmen. *dead*
I'm done with these shoes and tights....you guys can handle this!
*pulls cord out of the wall and disconnects the entire computer*

13 Responses to You Know You Ghetto.....
Oh my lawd...I am speechless. Seriously...speechless.
I still don't think this one is as bad as the one I just sent A. Red... check your email gurl!! LOL
^That one is a mess too! I wanted to post it but I cant' figure out how to save the photos because it's in slide show format.
Me neither.. that's why I sent it to you! LOL - c'mon I know you got your pocket protector on.. figure that ish out! LOL!!
The things some of us can come up with. Judging from where the ceremony was held one of those hunting magazines should`ve gotten a call to do the photo shoot. Buffonnery/connery at its finest..
*pulls cord out of the wall and disconnects the entire computer*
"Judging from where the ceremony was held one of those hunting magazines should`ve gotten a call to do the photo shoot."
lemme guess......chicago?!
^It better not be in Chicago! I'm not sure where these fools are from.
i would NOT have participated in this wedding. in any form or fashion.
HAHAHAHHHHAHA!!!! Everything killed me! I am so overwhelmed that I can't even cover everything but I WILL say this, they look stupid.
Black people disappoint me time and time again. There was NOTHING about medieval times that included black people. Now this shit is online for everybody to criticise and laugh at them for a choosing such a ridiculous theme for their wedding. They're friends are NOT their friends.
hahahhahaha...these fools!!! I would've felt a whole lot better if they had've channeled the "Coming To America" wedding but NOOOOOO...
my people...my people...will we EVER overcome (smh)
naturally, they're dressed like court jesters.
it all makes perfect sense.
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