Ashanti is one disaster after another. She rocked those latex leggings terribly! The lace, puff sleeve shirt with the bow in the middle, plus the tacky placed purple belt is doing too murch! She is not a big woman, so she her belt shouldn't be that high.

And her "ready to wear" $6.99 ponytail belongs on a $2 hooker, not a celebrity. She needs another stylist. Honestly, her leggings are a mess as well. Are they high waist with cinching? *dead*

Lisa Raye showed her how it's done! Now this is a bad woman. Her leggings fit her like a glove and the silver multi-clasp belt multi-buckle waist cincher (K!tty, My Fashion Police pulled me over lol) over her tank set her fit off right. Jesus be a few thousand bucks on my discover card to afford her Louis Vutton bag.