Ummm, I really don't know. I kinda like this song, more so because I love Jamie's hook and The Dream verse. However, Plies is mannish as hell to me. Don't get me wrong, I bang some of his music but he's a walking analogy. How are you a goon if all you talk about is snatch?

I'm going to need for Plies to find something else to talk about for real. He's like a teenager in puberty. Do you think about anything else? Geez...

And I was ROFL at Brian review for this on Concrete Loop. He said" I feel uncomfortable listening to Plies, to be completely honest. I feel like I’m doing something I’m not supposed to - and it’s definitely not one of those guilty pleasures."

I have to agree. I always feel like I have to turn down the music, or listen to his songs by myself. A mess...