Ummm, I really don't know. I kinda like this song, more so because I love Jamie's hook and The Dream verse. However, Plies is mannish as hell to me. Don't get me wrong, I bang some of his music but he's a walking analogy. How are you a goon if all you talk about is snatch?
I'm going to need for Plies to find something else to talk about for real. He's like a teenager in puberty. Do you think about anything else? Geez...
And I was ROFL at Brian review for this on Concrete Loop. He said" I feel uncomfortable listening to Plies, to be completely honest. I feel like I’m doing something I’m not supposed to - and it’s definitely not one of those guilty pleasures."
I have to agree. I always feel like I have to turn down the music, or listen to his songs by myself. A mess...
1 Response to New Music: Plies feat. Jamie Foxx and The Dream
Wow! Where to begin... First the hook to me sounds like sumthing I would have heard in a high school talent show! "Please excuse my hands(how original)" Second Plies, please go get tested cause wit all this freak nasty music you making if you doing half the shit you talk about in your song you shit is itching...
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