This Bish Right Here? (Video Inside)
Normally I let stuff like this fly by, but eff this. Take a look at this "meep meep short bus" lady:
Nicca this bish right here? This bish right here? First of all, let's get all of the technical ish out of the way. How are YOUUUUUUUUUU gonna tell me about the Anti-Christ? You can't even tell me about Christ! The description at the end was so vauge. If we went off of your description of the Anti-Christ, then Martin Luther King and Malcolm X would've beaten Obama to the punch. Then this heffa said he's not black, he's Muslim or Arab. Bish...when I go to fill out an application (something you are not familar with), and I get to the "race (nationality)" part, I see Black, White, Asian American, Native American, etc. You're naming religions and culture. If that's the case, then I'm not black, I'm American and a Christian.
But I'm still trippin off the whole "Anti-Christ" thing. The Anti-Christ? Yeah...I'm sure him being a husband and father (something your daughter needs), is the attributes of an Anti-Christ. 1 John 2:22 know what? Nevermind. I'm wasting my time. Why don't you take your coloring book, your crayons and your 3rd grade education, have a seat in the front of the yellow short bus, and stop being an athesis to a comb. You and your "brainwashed" daughter needs Jesus, a glass of Common Sense, a loveseat, a headlock and a perm. Other than the last two items stated, it doesn't matter what order they come long as they all affect your life. SMH.
5 Responses to This Bish Right Here? (Video Inside)
Get her Red!...she's about a crazy bish. I'm mad she was allowed to procreate.
I just watched the first 2 seconds of that video and had to stop it.. it is waay too early in the morning for this nignant heffa.. I don't understand how people are supposed to be religious but preach hate.. how is that Christian like? Or God-like even?
You and your "brainwashed" daughter needs Jesus, a glass of Common Sense, a loveseat, a headlock and a perm.
DEAD!!!! Get em JT!!
O.K. this chic is ill, first of all how is she having her kid curse like that.
A prophet did write a book saying that the Anti-christ would destroy America, the prophet did describe the Anti-Christ as someone that came out of nowhwere and gained the trust of the American people through his charm, and his powerful speeches, it also stated the person would have two small male children and some other bull, I wish I could remember the name of the book but when I do I will get back.
I said all that to try and help the idiot chic out but there is no helping that foolishness, and she is raising a child. People should be required to take a test and get a license before they have children because that is a mess!
pause first off chick osama hussain is not my president either...somebody call cps on this stupid bish plz y
Um.... is she even a citizen? I'm noting the accent and that's my question. Also, are brushes that expensive? Or combs? just wondering..
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