Eventho Jesse wanted to hate, he could not. This man has literally see Martin's words come to life. I promise he will never forget where he was at this moment in time, and neither should you. Describe YOUR moment.

I'll go first. I could type for days, but I will summarize.

I kept it locked on CNN. Around 8pm, Anderson Cooper announced that Obama won Pennsylvania. The nervousness decreased. Then about 30 minutes later, he announced that Obama won Ohio, and was on the verge of winning Florida. At that point, I was pretty confident and was saying to myself, "dang, this is going pretty fast." Then at 9:58pm, central standard time, I was holding my one-year old son. Anderson Cooper announced that Obama won Virginia, which bought his total to about 220something. Once again, I was proud to be from Virginia, and as I predicted before the night started, this election was gonna be over by 10. At 9:58 (and some seconds later), I had my hand in the air as if I was Michael Jordan, and kept it up. Two minutes later, at 10:00pm, the polls closed on the west, and Obama made history.

At 10pm (you can check) I hit the "Publish Post" button on this very blog site on a topic called "The 44th President of the United States of America." Then got an array of text messages and phone calls from my friends. Yes, Jesse crying was touching, but what was the most touching was a tie between the lone black guy on the CNN panel crying, and seeing Martin Luther King's daughter. He believed that one day, his children would see something like this. I belive you can add 'prophet' to the list of things MLK was to us. Then Obama's...excuse me...President-Elect Obama's speech was the icing on the cake. The cake that was heated from the point of view of America, but rose. The same cake that was dough 40 years ago, and was beaten by society. The same cake that was nothing but ingredients that our ancestors had to pick from the fields as slaves. On Nov. 4, 2008, not just blacks, but all of America was able to taste a piece of that sweet precious cake, and I was was one. (man...I should be a journalist...lol)