Nicca Please of The Day
Posted In:
Girl Stop
We Don't Believe You
By Jay Curtis™
Ladies and gents...Whitney Houston's album cover:
(*drops jaws*). What a tragedy. SMH. Whitney, you can go -----> with that nonsense. You, I, Stevie Wonder and his Keys of Life know that a scholar in Photoshop laid his skilled mouse on your picture and went to town. Who are you fooling? Look at the right (her left) shoulder!
I hope this is NOT an indication of her album.
1 Response to Nicca Please of The Day
Ooooh no she is not channeling Wonder Woman the 2008 Nigga edition... Lawd hasmercy! She'd have done better marketing by putting a lil white powder in each cd... but this?? This is just UNACCEPTABLE!!
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