Adrienne Bailon from the Cheetah girls/3LW have fallen victim to having her computer hacked and pictures stolen. *nigga please face* Rumor is the culprit is shopping these nude pictures all over trying to sell them to the highest bidder.
Me personally, I think she's trying to steal the spotlight from Naturi and her newfound Lil' Kim swag, but that's me. lol
Seriously, why do people keep doing this to themselves? Here she is booty naked, spread over some bacteria infected chair in a hotel room sending these photos to lord knows who (Is she still with Kim Kardashian's brother?). Now everyone have gotten a glimpse of her goodies and she's probably embarrassed. Shouldn't this breach the contract with Disney? I mean it is a KID station. SMH
She didn't watch her setup AT ALL!
1 Response to Another Disney Starlet Turned Playboy Pin Up
technically the images were on her computer and her computer was stolen from the airport. I feel bad for her because I dont know how many grown women (and she is VERY grown *no miley cyrus*) that would be engaged to their man and not take a couple of pix for him. she was smart by not posting them and she did keep them for herself some jackass stole them from her. i give her a pass because she's in her late 20's, therefore grown. aint nobody talking about how hannah montana has a 20 yr old boyfriend she lives with
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