Elizabeth Adeney , 66 year old British woman is pregnant with twins and it's causing a moral uproar across the nation. Britain does not help impregnate women over the age 50, so she skipped over to the Ukrainian to have an In Vitro Ferlisation done.
"She was desperate for a child. She was over the moon when she learned last year that she was pregnant and has been quite open about it. It's not the sort of thing she can hide," the friend said.
Last night Adeney declined to discuss her condition in any detail. "I am a private person and while I appreciate there may be some publicity I will just ignore it," she told the Mail. "This has been a very personal decision and I do not feel I have to give interviews or talk to anyone in the media about what I have decided to do and where I have done it." (Source)
So....how are two babies about to come out of a vajayjay that probably has cobwebs on it? That'll be a miracle within itself. But seriuosly, is this an act of selfishness? Even if she is in the best of health, she still won't be able to be as physically active with these kids as much as they/she'd like. Furthermore, let's be real, she's 66. Her life span isn't all that promised. Not trying to be morbid...I'm just saying.
What do you think?

3 Responses to This Is Just WRONG
She is selfish, she can be in great shape or whatever but after a certain age it is just irresponsible, she should have stopped trying at 45 that should be the limit, when her kids are four she will be 70, come on...Who is going to take them to the park? Who is going to teach them to ride a bike?
Can she even push ?! Coochie having to be divided at 66 years old. She should've adopted.
SIDE NOTE : I'm mad at that typo "she skipped over to the Ukrainian"
SMH, there was a big debate about the "selfish" part and for the most part I agree that she is. I can understand wanting to have a child but there are so many risks after a certain age so to risk your child's life is beyond belief to me. They have to live their life not the parents.
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