I've been in the midst of various conversations that prompted me to write this post. A lot of people laugh or wonder what I mean when I use the word dickmatized, so I wanted to break it down for you.

Dickmatized is when a women is sprung off of a man's sex. She forgets all of her morals, standards, and anything of importance to her. She then revolved her life around that man.

I'm sure women like this have been around for a long time, but its becoming extremely prominent and its disheartening. Picture this; beautiful successful woman. Got a 4 year degree, nice job, own crib, driving a nice car, and more then able to pop her own bottles. You'd think she'd be with a guy who is able to match what she has right. Negative. Look out your work window. You'll see her roll up to her place of employment in her nice whip, get out the driver's seat, and you'll see a figure get out the passenger seat that will make you say hmmmm. Baseball hat, pants hanging, wearing a white tee and swagging his way over to the drivers seat like it's his shit. She's smiling like he's the next best thing since sliced bread and he's smiling too because he done found him a goof...A STRAIGHT COME UP. SUCKERRRRRRRR.

You begin to wonder...why would a women with seemingly so much going for herself settle for THAT? I have one of the answers. She's dickamatized. More then likely she told herself she'd use him as a dial-a-dick (definition: men you call only for sex, nothing more) but wasn't prepared for the smack down he put on her tail. Great sex is like crack. IT KILLS YOUR BRAINCELLS SON IT KILLS YOUR BRAINCELLS. Little by little (or immediately for the sensitive ones), she started catching feelings getting sprung, and more and more he started laying down his game and weening his way into her heart and pockets. Before she knows it, he's driving her car and she's giving him money like he's FICA all in the name of keeping that great peen around.

Or we have the other "regular joe" lady, who's dating the "regular joe" guy. She calls his phone and tells him she has a great evening planned. She rushes home, takes a bath, lights candles, get the oils out, cute outfit, heels, posed and ready for him ring the bell. One hour goes by, 2 hours. NADA. She falls asleep half naked looking like a extra for the "Tip Drill" video and wakes up only to see no missed calls. She's pissed! Calling him for a week; but not getting in. She can't eat, can't sleep, feeling all R. Kelly like. All of sudden, she receives a phone call at 1:30 am from him saying he misses her and wants to come over. She damn near breaks her neck running to the shower to freshen up. He gets there, knocks it out the BOX, and she instantly forgives him. Doesn't even question him about treating her ass a week ago. And guess what? The cycle restarts all over again.

The examples can go on and on but you get the gist of where I'm going with this. No matter the background of women, some of them still catch this dickmatized disease and I don't get it. Peen grow out the grass so why settle for the first one that comes along and whips it on you good? Moving a step forward, some of these women are simply desperate. They'll take the first guy who agrees to wife them up. Good peen or not, they just want to be someone's arm piece. Freaking pathetic.

Women fail to realize these nothing ass niggas have great sex for a reason; it's ALL THEY HAVE TO OFFER. His d*ck is his job. He knows how to sell/use it right to get everything he wants out of you and the next broad. He'll say the right things, wash your car, and be at your beck and call whenever you're ready to get laid down proper. It's all a part of his game.

Here are a few eye openers to let you know if you're dickmatized:

  • Whenever you hit up a restaurant, YOU'RE SWIPING YOUR CARD. And more then likely its a drive thru because sit down joints are a no go. He has to meet his boys to go to a club or "for business" and his time is limited.
  • He's driving YOUR CAR while you sit in the house patiently waiting for him to come back to spend some quality time with you, or so you can go and run errands.
  • He's always at YOUR house. Either because he lives at home with his mom, his wife/girlfriend, or you wouldn't feel comfy in his place anyway because it doesn't meet your standards.
  • You can't take him around friends and family because you think someone will have something to say. Plus you'd rather just stay holed up in the bedroom anyway.
  • You're the one always buying gifts but all you get in return is his d*ck in a box. Hell it's all he can afford, or all he thinks you're worth.
  • He don't call you for days, ignores your call, but call you days/weeks later in the booty call hours for a quick romp in the sack.
  • You know he has a wife, girlfriend, or a slew of women, but you're content as long as he makes his scheduled pit stops at your crib to give you a tune up.

I can continue but that would take all day. WOMEN, WE'VE GOT TO DO BETTER! There are good guys out here (don't ask me where though LOL) but we're somehow over looking them. We're focusing on things that don't matter (sex) instead of the things that do (job, lifestyle, etc.). You don't go to a car lot and buy the first car you see on the lot do you? No, you evaluate that bad boy first. You look all in it, under it, and then take it out for a test drive to see if it meets your expectations. THEN you buy it. Why can't you do the same thing with men? Trust, it'll save a lot of miles on your heart AND snatch. More importantly, we'll make it harder for nothing ass niggas to exist! By stepping our game up they'll be forced to do the same. In the words of Pinky from Next Friday, "GET IT TOGETHER BABY!"