Good Ol' College Days....
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Watch your setup
By A. Red
I was reminiscing with my girls about out crazy college days and I decided to share one of the stories that still have us rolling.
It was four of us; myself, dumb, dumber, and dumbest. We were down in this hick town and ready to come home. But it was during the middle of the week so we had to grit our teeth and bear it until Friday. However, you know the best way to take your mind off things is to get lifted. LOL Exactly what we did.
OMG we were on cloud 9. Just laughing and doing stupid stuff.
We decided we wanted to roll around campus. But neither dumbest or I had gas in our cars. So we had to go get some gas. Go get=steal. I told you it was a hick town! You could pump your gas, then pay. And it just so happened to be my turn for the free 99 gas. This was our plan...
Dumb and dumber would go into the gas station and talk to the attendant. All you had to do was bring up drinking and "the others" down there could talk for hours. Dumbest was supposed to pump the gas, then take the nozzle out and put it on the ground ( you can't put it back in the hook because it alerts the attendant). Consequently, me and dumbest would drive off and wait for them around the corner.
We get there and everything is on schedule. I'm in the car just chilling, watching my tank fill up. I look in the store and see they have the attendant sown up. Cool. My tank is finally full and I see dumbest WALK OFF INTO THE STORE. THAT WAS NOT A PART OF THE PLAN! I go with flow and puts my car in "drive" because after all, that's my assignment. As I'm driving off a feel a big pull and then hear a huge pop. I look in my rear view mirror and see dumbest never took the nozzle out! MY DUMBASS HAVE PULLED THE NOZZLE FROM THE PUMP AND I'M NOW DRAGGING IT ALONG. *FTFO*
I.COULD.HAVE.DIED. I was high as a kite and this blew my life. I pulled over on the side of the gas station, pulled the nozzle out, and drove off like I didn't do shat! Minutes later I see the dummies all heading towards one by one like they were on a effin' field trip. They all had the look of unbelief on their faces.
All I could was LOL because I could only imagine how they felt looking out the window seeing me drive off with a nozzle in my tank. *DEAD*
The part that really kills us now is that FOUR of us were able to buy substances to get us lifted but we stole gas. Just dumb as hell. SMH
I learned a valuable lesson that day. I know you guys think it was "don't steal" or to "have better priorities." NEGATIVE. I learned to never get lifted with dumbest and plan to do illegal things. Hell, we'll all get caught playing with her.
Don't try this at home folks!
It was four of us; myself, dumb, dumber, and dumbest. We were down in this hick town and ready to come home. But it was during the middle of the week so we had to grit our teeth and bear it until Friday. However, you know the best way to take your mind off things is to get lifted. LOL Exactly what we did.
OMG we were on cloud 9. Just laughing and doing stupid stuff.
We decided we wanted to roll around campus. But neither dumbest or I had gas in our cars. So we had to go get some gas. Go get=steal. I told you it was a hick town! You could pump your gas, then pay. And it just so happened to be my turn for the free 99 gas. This was our plan...
Dumb and dumber would go into the gas station and talk to the attendant. All you had to do was bring up drinking and "the others" down there could talk for hours. Dumbest was supposed to pump the gas, then take the nozzle out and put it on the ground ( you can't put it back in the hook because it alerts the attendant). Consequently, me and dumbest would drive off and wait for them around the corner.
We get there and everything is on schedule. I'm in the car just chilling, watching my tank fill up. I look in the store and see they have the attendant sown up. Cool. My tank is finally full and I see dumbest WALK OFF INTO THE STORE. THAT WAS NOT A PART OF THE PLAN! I go with flow and puts my car in "drive" because after all, that's my assignment. As I'm driving off a feel a big pull and then hear a huge pop. I look in my rear view mirror and see dumbest never took the nozzle out! MY DUMBASS HAVE PULLED THE NOZZLE FROM THE PUMP AND I'M NOW DRAGGING IT ALONG. *FTFO*
I.COULD.HAVE.DIED. I was high as a kite and this blew my life. I pulled over on the side of the gas station, pulled the nozzle out, and drove off like I didn't do shat! Minutes later I see the dummies all heading towards one by one like they were on a effin' field trip. They all had the look of unbelief on their faces.
All I could was LOL because I could only imagine how they felt looking out the window seeing me drive off with a nozzle in my tank. *DEAD*
The part that really kills us now is that FOUR of us were able to buy substances to get us lifted but we stole gas. Just dumb as hell. SMH
I learned a valuable lesson that day. I know you guys think it was "don't steal" or to "have better priorities." NEGATIVE. I learned to never get lifted with dumbest and plan to do illegal things. Hell, we'll all get caught playing with her.
Don't try this at home folks!
5 Responses to Good Ol' College Days....
Sack of weed: $10
Rolling papers: $1.50
Lighter: $.75
Hearing about A. Red driving off with a gas nozzle still attached because she was high...
(thanks for lifting my spirits this morning!! ROFL)
you know I was gonna chime in on this one!
Never done this myself, but the homeboy did the SAME DAMN THANG!
Why nigs always gotta do they own thing, I swear I hated smokin' with the girls I grew up with...blew my high every time!
This was too funny Red! NEVA-EVA-EVA smoke and do illegal 'shat' with dummies! loved it!
I will never forget that day for the rest of my life... The thought of the story and the look on my face as I saw u drive away with the nozzle still n ur car, damn i thought we were goners! I got outta there faster than a crackhead going to a crack sale, yall wasnt taking me down....
Jason, it was the gas station that sat right across the street from that bank. The one that was down the street from the Kappa house. A mess...
Wifee, that's why I JUST SAY NO! That ish is not what I want! It made a fool out of me every time.
Free2bee, Blew my high is a understatement. Blew my life. Then had the nerve to act like is was all on me. I STUCK TO THE PLAN! SMH
You think we would have learned out lesson and stopped! LMAO Obviously not!
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