Today Show former flunky, Ed McMahon decided to become a rapper. *deep sigh* This 85-year-old delusional fool will be dropping lyrics inspired by his financial woes for .

The videos feature McMahon wearing a tracksuit, being chauffeured around Los Angeles in a Cadillac Escalade golf cart and waxing lyrical about his very public financial troubles.

"I knew I could sing the blues, but I didn't know I could rap," McMahon said Wednesday.

"When I retired, I was famous," McMahon raps in the video. "I had money and glory/I bought a house for 6 mill/I thought nothing could touch me/Until my credit went south, and debt started to crunch me/Next thing I know, instead of playing gin rummy, I was scrambling just to make ends meet/It wasn't funny."

After being joined by two scantily clad women, McMahon continues: "Got a bump from the media chumps, but that was temporary/Wife with bad credit was scary, so I got wise/I may have fallen, but I got back up/Now I'm back on the attack, like a ninja swinging nunchucks/I told the haters, 'Go on, take a hike'/It's my show now, and I can do what I like."(source)

I have a serious problem with this! Why does he have to be a broke down, ghettofied rapper, but when he comes into cash he turns into a respectable businessman in suit? Furthermore, why are they even making us the initial target like "the others" don't have monetary issues? FULL BLOWN FUCKERY AT IT'S BEST!

They call it "humorous spots" but I call is Blackface 2008. When they shoot a video with him toothless, in a flannel and drawls, scratching his balls in front of his trailer park, I'll call it humorous.